What are your superpowers again? I'm rich. 再问一下,你的超能力是什么来着?我很有钱。 句子的作者/出处 扎克·施奈德 更多扎克·施奈德的名句 正义联盟 更多《正义联盟》名句 收录这个句子的句集(6)> 可能感兴趣的其它句子
我一开始是觉得字幕组翻译错了,也许闪电侠给蝙蝠侠说的不是这一句,有看了下片段,听语音也是这个are,那问题出在哪了呢?于是我百度,查what is 与what are 的区别,才想起来闪电侠问的是your superpowers,注意,是加了s的,是复数——闪电侠问:你的那些超能力是什么呢?不是字幕组错了,而是...
我一开始是觉得字幕组翻译错了,也许闪电侠给蝙蝠侠说的不是这一句,有看了下片段,听语音也是这个are,那问题出在哪了呢? 于是我百度,查what is 与what are 的区别,才想起来闪电侠问的是your superpowers,注意,是加了s的,是复数——闪电侠问:你的那些超能力是什么呢? 不是字幕组错了,而是我把语法忘得差不...
What are your superpowers ?—— I'm rich 这是电影《正义联盟》里的一句台词: 因为外星人的入侵,蝙蝠侠去找闪电侠加入正义联盟。闪电侠很开心的就加入了,做进蝙蝠侠车里来了一句:你有什么超能力? 蝙蝠侠很淡定的说:我有钱。 然后开着奔驰AMG专门为蝙蝠侠设计的跑车一路绝尘而去。
What role for the super‐powers?doi:10.1080/05679327708448491NoneAdelphi
What Countries Are Still Communist? Communism is the official form of government in China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. These countries also abide by some capitalist principles, however. They're largely autocratic and they don't reflect Marx’s definition of the term.17 ...
Martin Luther King once said, "The time is always right to do what is right." The whole world has its eyes on the two major countries. From San Francisco onward, to continue the positive spin in China-U.S. relations, more "maintenance work" is needed to translate the "San Francisco ...
to make everybody nice;to be able to see into the future;to have the power of invisibility
Rachel explained that Access Info are currently running a project to improve the right to information in four countries. Access to Information (ATI) is a fundamental right, and recognised globally as such — but it doesn’t always work in practice. Countries may have a legal framework, but ho...