What continent is Kerguelen? Kerguelen is a microcontinent in the southern Indian Ocean, 3,000 kmsouthwest of Australiaand not far from Antarctica. It extends for more than 2,200 km in a northwest-southeast direction. Kerguelen was formed 100 million years ago by the Kerguelen hotspot. Are th...
Employees in 30+ countries People, offices and infrastructure on every continent to support you every day 0+ Years of expertise Providing innovative communications and technology solutions 0/7 Global customer support Backed by a global supply chain, certified field service engineers, along with expert...
On this voyage, he made several new discoveries, but while fighting in the Philippines in 1521, he was killed. What was left of his crew continued the journey, and in 1522, they returned to Spain, becoming the first sailors to circumnavigate the globe....
Before moving on from Cunningham Falls, it is important to note that Camp David is located in the vicinity. As I learned more about earth grids, I found out that Camp David is situated on a nodal point. It is the norm for centers of power to be on the earth’s power points. There...
broken at the lowest point of the global divide line, located southwest of the Kiribati Islands. Since the current western Pacific Ocean is a plane, land would emerge quickly because there would be no chance that water would be exchanged between the two circumpolar oceans after the initial ...
Fixing adamaged cableis incredibly time-consuming; once a fault is located, a ship must sail the area, find and lift the cable – both ends if completely cut – to the surface often via a rope and grapple or submersible robot. It can take more than a day to lift a cable from the ...