Advocating against religion constitutes a religious perspective in itself. Atheism is a theology which determines the worldview of the one adopting it every but as much as adherence to a particular religion. Militant atheism is every bit as zealous in its drive to “win” as any evangelism ever...
As we speak, young American men and women are dying overseas in a war for Israel. The treasonous Neo-Cons in the Bush administration have conspired with the Israeli lobby to entangle America in a war that can’t be won and has no benefit for the USA or her citizens. Despite their desp...
And far more of those flags fly in the West Bank than the flag of the people that constitutes the absolute majority of that occupied area. There are hardly any road signs for Palestinian towns and villages, only for the settlements; those that are sign-posted are soon effaced with black...
found more security in “White Christmas” than in the Israeli nuclear reactor. I told them that if the Israelis ever reached a point where they believed their survival depended not merely on breaking hands but on dropping a nuclear bomb, that would be the end of Judaism, even...