In 1917 Marcel Duchamp bought a mass-produced porcelain urinal from a plumbing suppliers, laid it on its side, signed it, and then put it in an exhibition, and called it art.1917年, 马塞尔·杜尚从一家管道供应商那里购买了一个大批量生产的瓷质小便池,将其侧放、签名, 然后将其放在展览中...
In order to prove treason, the prosecution needs either a confession or two witnesses testifying to the same "overt act" by the defendant. An overt act is an act that shows criminal intent and furthers the accomplishment of a crime. But, the overt act doesn't have to be a crime itself...
It will often be very difficult to decide whether a given statement expresses a comment or [an] opinion, or by contrast constitutes an allegation of fact. The same words published in one context may be statement[s] of fact, yet in another may be comment[s]. Therefore, whether this elemen...
Definitions of what constitutes “high voltage” vary between manufacturers, though the lines of demarcation seem to fall in the 100 V to 1 kV range. At such potentials, MLCC technology begins to suffer complications from surface arcing between terminals, or between a terminal and an electrode ...
What constitutes an act of war? How does law enforcement deal with international boundaries? What are existing international organizations currently doing? What international treaties are in place? Why don't the classic models of military deterrence work for cyberspace? What are the obstacles to ...
Michael Sorrentino, better known as Michael “The Situation” Sorrentino was sentenced to an eight-month stay in federal prison after being convicted of tax evasion in 2018. Best known for his role on “Jersey Shore,” the actor was charged with filing fraudulent tax returns on an estimated $...
To guard against the potentially monstrous effects of unexamined public health, therefore, implicit theories on issues as fundamental as human agency and what constitutes a ‘public’ concern must be made explicit and justified. What isn’t public health?
There is, however, a debate amongcyber securityexperts as to what kind of activity constitutes cyber warfare. The US Department of Defense (DoD) recognizes the threat to national security posed by the malicious use of the Internet but doesn’t provide a clearer definition of cyber warfare. Some...
Because science carries us toward an understanding of how the world i,rather than how we would wish it to b,its findings may not in all cases be immediately comprehensible or satisfying.It may take a little work to restructure our mindsets.Some of science is very simple.When it gets complic...
“I think that wouldn’t stand up in federal court, because I don’t think their actions can be attributed to those governments. And even if they could, then the question comes up of whether mass illegal immigration constitutes an invasion,” he says. “That argument has been made … but...