How does coronary artery disease happen? What is symptomatic myocardial ischemia? What is carotid artery disease? What is induced myocardial ischemia? What is acute coronary syndrome? What is moderate coronary artery calcification? How common is coronary artery disease?
What constitutes a 'good' recovery outcome in post-acute Guillain-Barre syndrome? Results of a nationwide survey of post-acute GBS sufferers in the United Kingdom. Eur J Neurol 17:677-683.Davidson I, Wilson C, Walton T, Brissenden S, Campbell M, McGowan L. What constitutes a `good' ...
How does coronary artery disease affect the digestive system? What is symptomatic ischemic heart disease? What is silent myocardial ischemia? What is refractory myocardial ischemia? What are symptoms of pleural effusion? What are the symptoms of tachycardia? What constitutes coronary artery disease? Wha...
a patient who has an acute illness su ch as h eart f ailure or ac ute coronary syn drome wh o is anemic .T he an emia may,of c ou rse,precipitate the acu te c oron ary syndrome, but it may be due to something entirely unrelated to ...
231 - What constitutes exemplary care for “low-risk” patients with acute, non-variceal upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (NVUGIH)? A stakeholder analysis - EM|consultedoi:10.1016/S0002-9270(02)05187-0Ian M GralnekGareth S DulaiIan D Coulter...
Acute myeloid leukemia in the elderly: what constitutes treatment value?doi:10.1080/10428194.2018.1520992Chadi NabhanSiddhesh KamatJonathan Karl KishTaylor & Francis
Nader ShaikhThe Pediatric infectious disease journalParadise JL, Hoberman A, Rockette HE, Shaikh N. Treating acute otitis media in young children: what constitutes success? Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013 Jul;32(7):745-7. | CrossRef |PubMed |...
What is early hypertensive heart disease? What is non-obstructive coronary artery disease? What is acute coronary syndrome? What is the cause of ischemia in coronary artery disease? What is native vessel coronary artery disease? What is mild cardiomyopathy?Explore...
Violence brings with it much suffering and constitutes a traumatic experience in the personal history of victims, particularly DV victims [29,30], with different patterns of consequences. Victims of violence seem to be at greater risk of unwanted pregnancies, infections, sexual dysfunctions, and ...
It constitutes the basis for further intensive development of this area of medicine. In addition, telemedicine was found to be the future of the rapid development of mechanistic aspects of medicine, including artificial intelligence (AI)—an indispensable element of futurity. Telemedicine will generate...