What Constitutes a Responsible Person?Internal Revenue Code -- Section 6672Payroll taxesTax evasionFederal court decisionsIRC section 6672 imposes a penalty equal to the total amount of any federal payroll (trust...Cenke...
Thesecondis,"Whatconstitutesbeing'away'fromhome?" Yourtaxhomeisafactsandcircumstancesquestion.Thatis,eachperson'staxhomewillbedifferent,notjustdependingonlocationoftheperson'sresidence,butdependingontheperson'scircumstances.Formostofus,ourtaxhomeiswherewelivefulltime.Buttherearemanycircumstanceswherethisisnot...
For the purposes of this exception to the "selling" of personal information,this type of person must also not be a "business"(under the CCPA/CPRA's definition). A sale of personal information can occur between a business and a third partyoranother business. The type of person described at...
no pains,no gains=no cross no crown 不背负十字架哪里来的王冠Reliably 英到汉 翻译时副词删去 可靠地 contribute to 促进 推动 提高don’t reliably contribute to 不见得能提高满意度,并不一定会a sense of autonomy 自主性( ...
What constitutes an American? Not color nor race nor religion. Not the pedigree of his family nor the place of his birth. Not the coincidence of hiscitizenship23. Not his social status nor his bank account. Not his trade nor his profession. An American is one who loves justice and believe...
Different laws have different definitions ofwhat constitutes sensitive information, but typical examples include information about: Health Race Political or religious views Sex life or orientation Biometrics Genetics Trade union affiliation Some personal information is more sensitive than other types. Many pri...
Prompted by tragedy - a loved one's descent into dementia - Warren Bourgeois explored Western philosophical ideas to discover what constitutes a "person." The first edition of Persons - What Philosophers Say About You was the result of his search. This new second edition focuses on making this...
" "Is the cause of criminality genetic or environmental or a combination of the two?" Are human beings inherently violent?" "Is there an afterlife?""What constitutes success?" The answers to these questions, and to many of the issues you will encounter in the applications in this book, ...
rules aremeaningless—they can only ever express a person’s emotions. On the otherhand, “I disapprove of killing” is a meaningful claim. It states a fact aboutoneself, and this fact could be false (it could be a lie). Ayer’s theory isknown as expressivism, or the “Boo/Hurrah ...
Although shareholders are an important type of stakeholder, they are not the only stakeholders. Other stakeholders include employees, customers, suppliers, governments, and the public at large. In recent years, there has been a trend toward thinking more broadly about who constitutes the stakeholders...