The existing configuration constitutes a trip hazard. I suspect the reason it was done this way is that properly designed steps would hinder the ability to park a car inside the garage. This "What Were They Thinking" photo is from Jean Laframboise, P. Eng., RHI of InSpec...
I do not know anything about Frances Wilkinson, but will venture a couple of guesses here: one, that she doesn’t really know any Republicans personally; two, that she is as acute a judge of what constitutes masculinity-fearing-Republicans as Rachael Gunn (the notorious Raygun of the ...
In “the West”, Nietzsche was the last anti-mass-politics anti-populist thinker, the last of the old order (which stretched back to the Greeks and before). Somewhere else, Al-Hakim’s quote mentioned above is reveals a similar pre-modern understanding of the human condition. That is not ...
constitutes constituted congruence confess conclusive concerto concentrate conceivable conceded computing compulsive comprise complain compilation compartment communion commissions commercially commanding coincidence cohesive coexistence cliff clients claude civilized chronic choosing chloride childish cheaper chambers chairmen...
“brownfield” is therefore not simply a neutral or a self-evident truth, but also a discursive gesture. Here a site’s physical characteristics, materials, and historical context relate to sociotemporally situated notions of what constitutes an “appropriate” use. Extending beyond this discursive ...
On a Whatelian conception, a presumption is a “supposition … [that] must stand good until some sufficient reason is adduced against it.” This view may be understood as operationalizing a distinct quality of warrant for the acceptability of claims. Against this Whatelian conception, Kauffeld of...
(MRS4) of the Marsala synthem (MRS), Emilian-Sicilian aged and up to 80 m thick of calcarenites, calcirudite, and loose sand layers, constitutes the “identitary” bedrock and building stones of Palermo city. Upward, laying in unconformity on the previous layers, are the Middle ...