What is a criminal charge? What is lateral violence in Aboriginal communities? What is bootlegging? What constitutes terrorism? What is transnational organized crime? What is a hostile witness? What is anomic suicide? Define axis of evil
Having a workplace violence prevention policy in place is one of the essential ways to build a violence-free culture. Violence often starts with bullying, intimidation, and harassment. Such policies should spell out the following in clear and categorical terms: What constitutes workplace violence Wh...
almost half of all Internet users (45%) have seen or experienced inappropriate conduct. One of the most popular is making threats or using derogatory names. This constitutes harassment on YouTube and will result in account suspension. Regardless of what you see on YouTube, you should not: ...
Not every case of providing incorrect information to police constitutes a false accusation. Falsely reporting a crime implies deliberate intent to deceive law enforcement. If wrong information was given by accident or mistake, it might not result in a criminal charge by the police. What Happens if...
I do not know anything about Frances Wilkinson, but will venture a couple of guesses here: one, that she doesn’t really know any Republicans personally; two, that she is as acute a judge of what constitutes masculinity-fearing-Republicans as Rachael Gunn (the notorious Raygun of the ...
Analyzing GBV through a theoretical lens of struc- tural violence will broaden our understanding of what constitutes violence and the fundamental causes of GBV. This, in turn, may benefit policymaking by reduc- ing discriminatory ideologies and advancing system- level strategies, rather than individual...
Measuring the true prevalence of rape and sexual assault is tricky. In addition to the notorious problem of underreporting, many surveys use different methodologies for counting victims and different definitions of what constitutes sexual violence, which can make it impossible to compare results. ...
A crucial aspect of HIPAA compliance is understanding what constitutes Protected Health Information. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Protected Health Information (PHI) refers to any individually identifiable health information held or transmitted by a covered entity or its...
) That which obligates or constrains; the binding power of a promise, contract, oath, or vow, or of law; that which constitutes legal or moral duty. Obligation (n.) Any act by which a person becomes bound to do something to or for anouther, or to forbear something; external duties ...
Varied are the ideas of what constitutes "success," e.g. money, position, power, achievement, honours, and the like. But these are not open to every man-nor do they bring what is real success, namely, happiness. —Robert Baden-Powell ...