The prosecution of rape frequently requires a jury to decide whether the defendant reasonably believed that the complainant consented to sexual intercourse, thereby assuming a shared understanding of what constitutes a "reasonable belief in consent". This study provides a thematic analysis of interviews ...
知识由什么构成 ?What constitutes knowledge? 北欧教育学研究员 做教育研究的知识是一个广泛的概念,包括个人或社会所拥有的信息、理解、技能和意识。它通常被认为是一个有正当理由的真实信念,其构成可以分解为几个关键组成部分:Knowledge is a broad concept that encompasses the information, understanding, skills, ...
according to some psychologists. First, religion provides a coherent belief system that allows people to find meaning in life and hope for the future. Second, involvement in routine attendance at religious services and being part of a religious c 宗教介入人们比其他也许愉快为三个原因,根据有些心理...
Second, our information can be inaccurate or incomplete. The quality of a belief depends to a considerable extent on the quality of the information that backs it up. Because it's a big world and reality has many faces, it's easy for us to bemisinformed. For example, which way does the...
What constitutes an American? Not color nor race nor religion. Not the pedigree of his family nor the place of his birth. Not the coincidence of hiscitizenship23. Not his social status nor his bank account. Not his trade nor his profession. An American is one who loves justice and believe...
To guard against the potentially monstrous effects of unexamined public health, therefore, implicit theories on issues as fundamental as human agency and what constitutes a ‘public’ concern must be made explicit and justified. What isn’t public health?
In post-structuralism, language constitutes reality. True or false? Eyewitness testimony is accurate and reliable. Is the statement true or false? Common sense shows that: a. Your belief that something is true makes it true. b. Believing that something is true ...
In your own words, specify what constitutes a decent standard of living to you and what constitutes sustainability. Do you think the two ideas are compatible? Why or why not? To what extent does a sense of community or feeling connected...
Just what constitutes a “casual” relationship as opposed to a “serious” one? And when or how, if at all, does a relationship become serious? The 80 South Asian Muslim Canadians in this article used the dichotomous, relational categories (casual/serious) to understand, give meaning, and ...
What constitutes a COI? The majority of research into COI and how it influences medical research outcomes focuses on financial COI.2,4If a researcher stands to benefit financially in some way from a certain study outcome, they are considered to have a COI. This may involve financial gain from...