Epilepsy, or seizure disorder, is a medical condition that produces seizures. A seizure usually involves convulsions and sometimes leads to loss of consciousness. What causes seizures? Seizures occur due to a malfunction of the brain's electrical system. Some seizures are caused by brain diseases, ...
I don’t always know what causes seizures. However, I have a friend who takes seizure medication and he told me that he traced the onset of the illness to a car accident he had when he was only four years old. He had a trauma to the head and that triggered the seizures. He said ...
The condition affects about 1% of people in the western world. Most seizures are not life-threatening. However, prolonged seizures (lasting more than 5 minutes) are very dangerous and can cause death due to epilepsy. They are called “status epilepticus” and affect over half a million westerne...
The following list of medications are related to or used in the treatment of this condition. Keppra Xcopri Vimpat Dilantin levetiracetam View moretreatment options What can I do to help prevent seizures? Take your antiseizure medicine every day at the same time.This will also help reduce side ...
Cluster seizures are also known by other terms, all of which describe the condition, characterized by multiple seizures, such as Acute repetitive seizures Serial seizures Crescendo seizures Seizure flurries Recurrent seizures Cyclical seizures Seizure clusters What causes cluster seizures? The exact ...
Some ppl also suffer from psychological seizures, they freeze up due to fobias and get seizures due to their stress. It is very difficult to say what triggers epilepsy, but when it is triggered it causes spontanious discharge of neurons in a specific area (partial epilepsy) or in the who...
Seizures are prolonged and involve half of the body Subsequent seizures may involve the opposite half of the body Temperature changes, like exiting a warm bath, can bring on a seizure Myoclonus status epilepticus, a medical emergency condition of continuous seizure, may happen often in children wit...
Are seizures a type of tremor? No, seizures are not a type of tremor; they are distinct neurological events characterized by their own specific symptoms and causes. 14 Can tremors lead to seizures? Tremors themselves do not lead to seizures, as they have different underlying causes and mechanis...
Causes include seizures, fever, and electrolyte imbalances. 15 Can you have a seizure without convulsions? Yes, seizures can occur without visible convulsions. 14 What is a seizure? A neurological condition marked by abnormal brain activity. 11 What are convulsions? Involuntary, visible muscle contra...
What increases my risk for temporal lobe seizures?Epilepsy (condition that causes repeated seizures), or a family history of epilepsy A history of febrile seizures (caused by a high fever) A traumatic brain injury or a brain tumor An infection in your brain, such as meningitis Scarring in ...