Global Communication Certification Council— This council offers access to professional certifications that can help communications majors improve their job prospects and solidify their expertise in their respective fields. A Communication Management Professional (CMP) certification and a Strategic Communication ...
communication could be a good major for you. Communication majors are concerned with the well-being of individuals, improving social institutions and understanding society. They have strong writing, listening and critical thinking skills. If these qualities and desires describe you, a communication degre...
20 Communication Skills for Your Resume Describing communication skills on your resume can boost your chances of getting a job interview. Jamela AdamOct. 22, 2024 12 Ways to Describe Weaknesses When preparing to describe your weaknesses in a job interview, use these examples to frame them in th...
English majors learn about various genres of literature, ranging from fiction to poetry to theater. An English degree may be better suited for a student interested in analyzing existing literature or producing their own body of work, while a communication degree may be a better fit for those loo...
20 Communication Skills for Your Resume Describing communication skills on your resume can boost your chances of getting a job interview. Jamela AdamOct. 22, 2024 12 Ways to Describe Weaknesses When preparing to describe your weaknesses in a job interview, use these examples to frame them in th...
Whileshefound many opportunities within her majors, Hobbs also had meaningful experiencesoncampusthatwereoutsideofnursingandSpanish.Forexample,sheworkedasa residentassistantinthedormsandisamemberoftheUniversityHonorsProgram.“Allthese experienceshelpedmetoenhancemytimeoncampusbygivingmeopportunitiestomeetamazing and...
Preparing for a job in STEM fields goes beyond technical prowess. This guide covers the interpersonal and soft skills such as critical thinking skills and problem solving skills STEM majors need to be a strong team contributor.
Still, as English majors, we must find the courage to swim against the current, to let our light shine through the darkest tides. Even when we face mockery or misunderstanding, we hold steadfast to our dreams, anchored by our own convic...
Jobs for English majors include lawyer, teacher, librarian, fundraiser and technical writer. Jamela AdamFeb. 5, 2025 Best Jobs for Work-Life Balance These jobs can give you stability, a rewarding career and time to have a personal life. Jamela AdamJan. 29, 2025 Best Jobs ...
Communications majors also benefit from analytical skills and the ability to make complex topics simple. When supplemented by the finance and investing concepts, the planner with a communications degree can be a successful financial advisor. In general, the liberal arts teach sound reasoning and analyt...