The first vessel to pass the channel was Balsa 94, USACE Baltimore said. Balsa 94 is a general cargo ship built in 2019 and sailing under Panamanian flag. The ship’s registered owner is Eastern Capital Marine from Panama, according to the data from VesselsValue. The ship was guided through...
CSClear Screen(Hyper Logo Turtle graphics command) CSCosenza(Italy) CSControl Section CSCast Steel CSContract Services CSClub Sport CSCase Series CSConsadole Sapporo(Japanase sports club) CSChemical Synthesis CSCustom Scenery(aka Custom Scenery Object; also seen as CSO; Atari) ...
ICEInternet Center of Expertise(USACE) ICEInterdiction Control Element ICEInstitute for Construction Economics ICEIntegrated Customer Evaluation ICEInteractive Constructive Environment ICEInteractive Internet Collaborative Environment(Insoft) ICEIsolated Compliance Environment(for Y2K testing) ...
Under the contract, RRC will provide 24/7/365 operation and maintenance of 27 satellite terminals operating in both the military and civilian satellite communication frequency bands. PAR Technology wins USD26.2m prime contract award RRC 3X also contains only the first composition of the long compilat...
BFBackfill(class of concrete surface finish, USACE) BFBrought Forward BFBaseball Field BFBonafide(notice of intent to manufacture or import) BFBlind Faith(book by Joe McGinniss) BFBold Face BFBryan Ferry(singer) BFBlind Faith(band)
UDC USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers) Deployment Center UDC Urban Development Corporation UDC Universal Display Corporation UDC Universal Decimal Classification UDC Union Des Comores (French: Union of the Comoros) UDC United Dental Care (various locations) UDC Universal Data Collection UDC ...
CA Command Archive CA Cross Apply (debating) CA Connection Approval CA Controlled Availability CA Bromobenzyl Cyanide (tear gas, riot control agent) CA Construction Advisor CA Cell Averaging (Constant False Alarm Rate processor type) CA Congressional Add CA Congressional Audit CA Command Assessment CA...
Production and utilization of single cell protein (SCP) is an important attempt to solve these problems [2]. Utilization of some single cell protein sources on ducks rations under heat stress condition in Sinai region More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ SCOTSMAN SCOTSPECSAFE SCOTSS SCOTT SCOT...
She explained that the powers vested to the PAC falls under Treasury Instructions (AP) 204 (b) that clearly states that whenever the PAC has submitted its report to the legislative, a copy of each paragraph from the report must be sent to the respective officer in charge of the issue. No...
30, 2008; USACE and SBH LLC personnel inspected over 176,200 military facilities, to include those covered under LOGCAP as well as facilities maintained by other contracted O&M providers. TF SAFE: protecting the force in Iraq against fire and electrical hazards Commanders are entrusted with funds...