rescuesites,infarmers?fieldsoronthebattlefield.“Basically,itshouldbeabletotakeoff,land andflyaround,”hesaid. Woodsaysthedesignoffersanewwaytostudyflightmechanicsandcontrolatinsect-scale. Yet,thepower,sensingandcomputationtechnologieson boardcould have much broader applications.“Youcanstartthinkingaboutusingth...
However, the landscape function makes a prediction for this density of states that is significantly more accurate in practice in these regimes, with a mathematical justification (up to multiplicative constants) of this accuracy obtained in this paper of David, Filoche, and Mayboroda. More refined ...
I will not discuss this portion of the argument further here, referring the reader to the introduction to that paper; instead, I will focus on the arguments in the current paper, which handle the non-sticky case. Let’s try to repeat the above analysis in a non-sticky situation. We ...
Research is at the heart of any good paper. To gather reliable sources, follow these steps: Use academic databases like Google Scholar, JSTOR, or university libraries. Ensure your sources are peer-reviewed and up-to-date. Take detailed notes on your sources and properly track citations. ...
In Physics, force is defined as: The push or pull on an object with mass causes it to change its velocity. Force is an external agent capable of changing a body’s state of rest or motion. It has a magnitude and a direction. The direction towards which the force is applied is known...
19)Vitality comes about when the ties people form with their fellow team members are such that they stay connected even after the team breaks up. What characteristics of a team make its members more likely to stay in contact despite no longer working together? This question has been answered ...
Yet in elucidating and clarifying the nature of these tools, I here take much of what CAT researchers (hereafter; ‘cultural epidemiologists’)Footnote 1 have to say about the empirical payoffs of their approach at face value. The paper is organised as follows. In the next section, I ...
Want to put off studying for the physics test?Or writing that thirty-five-page research paper on future uses of biotechnology?Sure you do?And who wouldn't?But it's still a silly idea to put off doing something until a future time.Here is why… ...
In the case of the particularly well studied San Andreas fault, evidence for its deep ductile root comes from seismic profiles that show it continuing downwards, offsetting the lower crust well below the seismogenic depth [Parsons, 1998]. This deep shear zone tracks the San Andreas on its ...
Just a brief post to record some notable papers in my fields of interest that appeared on the arXiv recently. “A sharp square function estimate for the cone in “, by Larry Guth, Hong Wang, and Ruixiang Zhang. This paper establishes an optimal (up to epsilon losses) square function esti...