Happy progressivists have followed the emanation of the Enlightenment to its end and found that, in fact, the light leads to total darkness. The end comes as a huge surprise: the void. Are Kissinger’s words not witness to this end as the abyss of humanity? But when the Secretary of St...
The answer is: No, but in an age of enlightenment. Much still prevents men from being placed in a position to use their own minds securely and well in matters of religion. But we do have very definite indications that this field of endeavor is being opened up for men to work freely an...
After enlightenment, the Buddha spent the rest of his life teaching the principles of Buddhism — called the Dhamma, or Truth — until his death at the age of 80.悉达多乔达摩是在公元前563年出生于在蓝毗尼的一个帝王家族,在现在的尼泊尔境内。在29岁时,他意识到荣华富贵并不能给予人真正的幸福,...
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the world, or yourself in a brand new way. Those little awakening experiences are moments when our previous assumptions or belief paradigms burst. My high school science teacher would say “the light went on.” Enlightenment is the big light bulb. It is the direct perception of knowing the ...
the Enlightenment era illusion of progress in the consciousness offreedom, which, as we know, is the basis of Hegels speculative dialectic of history, since the basic hypothesis of The History of Sexuality is beyond the discourse of rationalism and repressive de-sublimati...
It became explicitly part of political philosophy in the Enlightenment movement of the 18th century. 从1789年法国大革命开始,平等作为一项原则在西方引发了许多大规模的社会运动。 Starting with the French Revolution in 1789, equality as a principle has motivated many large-scale social movements in the ...
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For example, we can see everywhere that people watch short videos one after another for a long time, click their social software every few minutes, read e-books all day long without looking up from their screens. Once without ...