Inadditiontoherresearch,studyingabroadwasalsohelpful.Shespentpartofthespring 2020semesterstudyinginCostaRica.“ThiswasmyfirsttimeoutsideoftheU.S.andIlearnedso muchaboutCostaRicanculture,”Hobbssays. Whileshefound many opportunities within her majors, Hobbs also had meaningful experiencesoncampusthatwereoutsid...
Perseverance means that we have to be committed to our goals day after day until we make our dream a reality.No matter what difficulties we will be confronted with, we need to stick to our dreams and perseverance will help us address al...
When I visited IS 89 in Battery Park this past spring one of the eighth grade social studies teachers started his class everyday with a visual warm up. A historical painting was projected on the SMARTBoard and students had five minutes to write about what they saw and connections they could...
Europe and more. I’ve traveled some and while I really like sleeping in my own bed, I will admit this did make me want to see a few things. I’ve always wanted to travel Europe more than I had a chance to during the semester I studied abroad. Oxenreider’s descriptions of New Zea...
M:Nancy, what classes are you taking this spring semester? W:I'm not sure yet.I want to take two English courses and maybe Spanish.And I'll probably have to take math M:Aren't you going to take biology? That's a required class you know. W:I already took it.No more science clas...
When Should One Apply for Rolling Admission? Colleges Offering Rolling Admission Arizona State University Arkansas State University Benedictine University California College of the Arts Cambridge College Campbell University College of Idaho Concordia College ...
The steering of Hurricane Sandy into the New York and New Jersey metro areas, the extreme killer cold in Eastern Europe and Russia, the “year without a Spring” and the very mild winters, dome of the features of drought, and other effects may be “the new normal” owing to a basic ...
There is no doubt that the first term or semester at university is full of distractions, but being aware of what is expected of you as a student and how subjects are taught can make a big difference to making the most of all opportunities and settling down to a successful university career...
When a group of college-aged women arrived at a luxury Washington D.C. apartment, they planned to unpack, get to know one another and prepare for the prestigious Capitol Hill internships that awaited them over Spring semester. But as two of the women settled into the dorm-style room t...