Gen. 9, 2465 (1976) Article MATH Google Scholar Doi, M.: Stochastic theory of diff usion-controlled reaction. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 9, 1479 (1976) Article ADS MATH Google Scholar Bouchaud, J.-P., Georges, A.: Anomalous diffusion in disordered media: Statistical mechanisms, models...
3. Location coordinates When it comes to safe and successful deliveries, particularly no-contact deliveries, getting the precise location is pivotal. Electronic proof of delivery documents can be populated with geotags automatically or viamanual entryby the driver. With Track-POD proof of delivery ap...
“What is the first thought, image, or feeling that comes to mind when seeing this package?” They were then asked to look at the package a second time and to record the second thought, image, or feeling that came to mind. Each of the responses ...
Vxt rpx ontsirsae pahes, sniec enx le qrx usertls xlcustomer.Purchase()cj z etaotlpin reedsaec jn rqk utcdrpo anmotu jn yrk rseto Product.Shampooand the numbers5and15are constants. Definition Bmethod under test(MUT) zj s oedhmt jn urk SNC lalecd hq gor zkrr. Aku emtsrMUTnsbSUT...
Pac Conserv Biol 14:128–145 Jaffré T, Rigault F, Dagostini G et al (2009) Input of the different veg- etation units to the richness and endemicity of the New Caledonian flora. In: Mery P (ed) Proceedings of the 11th Pacific science InterCongress. Pacific Science Association, ...
Since this all happened pre-cell phone and certainly pre-meme, finding it and re-posting it basically qualifies as a public service. Seriously, do you think a Millennial, Gen Y or whatever the current generation is called – is it Zoomers? – know the pleasure that a covertly circulated ...
(anti)heroine of contemporarysociety.InthecaseofMimiMercedez,Ispeakaboutleadershipinavarietyofways,giventhat her public persona is constructed through tropes of being the best among rappers(mostlythroughdissingotherrappersinhersongs),anidolwhocanteachyoungergen-erationshowtothinkforthemselvesandbestrong,and...
possibilities offered by local lan-guages, using a word that was obviously transliterated from Arabic to acknowledge46Amaia ARIZALETA, who studied these formulas for the reign of Alfonso VIII of Castile (1158–1214), called these texts‘diplomatic micro-narrations’,seeAmaiaARIZALETA, Les Clercs ...
Many families, couples, multi-gen groups, and more flocked to the Caribbean in 2021 and 22 and, according to travel advisors, that’s now slowing down. “Easy…people want to go away so they are finding the best package and going. AIs make it super easy to do that,” Kelly B...
The double translation of min by means of genus 'kind' and similitudo 'likeness' (compare Septuagint kath 'homoioteta and also Hebrew temunah) reminds one of the translation by Targum Neophiti though, in contrast to Neophiti, the Vulgate may regard the raven as only constituting one min...