This dark comedy series from Kit Williamson got its start on YouTube, but was later shown through Logo TV and Vimeo before finding a home at Netflix. Set in Silver Lake, Los Angeles,EastSidersfollows Thom (Van Hansis) and Cal (Williamson) as they navigate their lives, community, substanc...
What color tube is a CBC test? The following tests may be drawn in the sameLAVENDER (PURPLE)top tube: CBC, SED RATE (ESR), RETICULOCYTE Draw an extra LAVENDER for each (GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN and BNP). 9. GLUCOSE is always drawn in a GRAY top tube. No additional test may be drawn with th...
This is because a woman’s urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder) is shorter and closer to the anus than in men, allowing easier entry of bacteria like E. coli into the urethra.Menopause, lowered levels of estrogen, and elevated vaginal pH also increase the risk of a ...
Spain is a wondrous mix of the old and new. To help navigate this great country, I put this packing checklist together. I also include what to wear in Spain as well as a list of items NOT to bring and other FAQs.
Following pregnancy and the return of thenormal estrogen flow, the vagina will return to its approximate pre-pregnancy state in around six to eight weeks. After birth, it is normal for a person’s vagina to appear wider than it did pre-birth. It might also look and feel bruised or swolle...
If you choose not to color your hair in favor of letting it stay natural, you will find that a few of your Autumn colors may not look as harmonious as they were with your brown, dark blonde or red hair. Guess what! You may now add some Winter and Spring colors to make up for the...
For those that like soapy dramas, this is a must-watch for you. Where to watch in the US: seasons 1-2 are streaming on Hulu. Where to watch in the UK: season 1 is streaming on Disney Plus. 15. Survival of the Thickest Survival of the Thickest Season 1 Trailer - YouTube Watch ...
Back to the topic at hand -- the clitoris. Part of hormone therapy for female to male transgendered individuals involves making the genitals look as male as possible. This is done partly with surgery, but primarily with hormone treatments that enlarge the clitoris quite a bit, making it a si...
This can be achieved by makeup looks that opt for a softer or more natural application of color that ensures no one facial feature overwhelms the others. Kate Bosworth (left) and Gabrielle Union (right) are examples of celebrities with "low" visual weight. In these photos, their makeup ...
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