Cool colors are a good choice in rooms that are warm. Putting a light color on the wall makes that wall seem a little further away than it actually is. While darker colors on walls makes them seem even closer than their true positions. So you can use colors to “change” the shapes ...
Choosing the right color to paint your basement ceiling depends on your goals for the space. If you want to create a bright and open feel, go for white or a light neutral color. Consider dark colors like black or deep blue for a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Neutral tones are versatile and...
The color tones are typically in the beige, brown, black and white family. These natural tones can be used in everything from wall paint, furniture colors, flooring or tile design and complement dark ironwork and metallic finishings. "One of my favorite materials to use in brutalist design i...
W: Okay. The changing rooms are over there. Text 2 W: Tom, your music is too loud. M: Our band is practicing for the show, Mom. W: But it’s already the middle of the night. M: Okay, we’ll cut it off right away. Text 3 M: You look pretty busy. What’s up? W: We’...
His customers began to notice that Ben had what they called a “green thumb”. The plants he ___ grew, and the roses blossomed (开花). People started to accept his ___ on gardening, because he had an eye for color and light. One day while he was in the center of the city, ...
Using these two colors as accents or on smaller pieces of furniture gives brightness, character, and energy to a room, without being too overwhelming. You can paint your furniture turquoise in soft shades as well to temper the color intensity of your home decor. ...
Dark colors add an air of sophistication and make larger rooms feel more intimate and cozy. It’s time to have fun with color in your bedroom! Should I paint my bedroom red? The color of love, red raises energy levels – especially in sunlight – making the room feel more exciting. ...
When decorating your home with the decor you already have, it is most important to shop for your house! It’s the best way to find items that will look nice in other areas of your home! This works best if you have a consistent color palette and decor style throughout your home. ...
Ruth. That certainly makes sense to me as colors have always had an affect on my mood. I can see how yellow can have the effect of cheering you up, as after all it is like sunshine. I remember in my parents house growing up, each room had a different color theme. My room had blu...