What Color Is Your Parachute? 1988 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:Ten Speed Press作者:Richard N. Bolles出品人:页数:352译者:出版时间:1988-02-01价格:USD 8.95装帧:Paperback...
What Color Is Your Parachute? 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 理查德·尼尔森·鲍利斯,全球最受认可的职业指导大师,美国最顶尖的职业专家,职业规划师的开山鼻祖。他改变了全世界数百万人看待工作和生活的方式,帮助迷茫的求职者和跳槽者了解自我,掌握求职技巧,找到理想的工作。
The financial matter interests us the most, so let’s stick to it. While reading “What Color is Your Parachute? For Retirement”, you should ponder and imagine yourself being in a tight spot, in the hope of finding that inspiration to design a retirement plan. Facts are crucial Now, mor...
What color is your parachute? Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.Bolles, R. N. (2015). What color is your parachute? A practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers . New York: Random House LLC.Bolles, R. (2012). What color is your parachute? A practical manual for job hunters ...
MY PARACHUTE This diagram organizes information about what you want in a job. When it is filled in, use it to guide your research to find jobs you will enjoy. To make it easier to use, download and print a copy of the PDF. Find it at http://rhlink.com/parat001. You can downl...
What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? 读书笔记(11/12) 第十一章 五种“求职/跳槽”的方式 第一种 网络 对于想要求职或跳槽的人来说,首先想到的方式就是网络。http://www.onetonline.org/find或http://www.onetonline.org/search,是全美最大的职业信息数据库,是根据劳动部的标准细类职业基础上,加上了更多的细类...
你的降落伞是什么颜色?WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? 读书笔记(9/12) 最旺的仔 资深职场人士,常常在理想与现实中摇摆第九章 如何选择工作 第一步 你需要找到你的花朵指向的职业或工作是什么 1. 看一下完整的“花图”,从花图中心的花瓣上选择三个你最感兴趣的领域(最喜欢的或最向往的领域)。这些都是名...
: 求职者和跳槽者的实用行动手册 : What color is your parachute? : a practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers 你的降落伞是什么颜色?:求职者和跳槽者的实用行动手册:a practical manual for job-hunters and career-ch成功心理学本书是经典的成功心理学读物,告诉我们用激情... 鲍利斯刘宁 - ...
What Color Is Your Parachute? 2012 Still the best-selling job-hunting book in the world, WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? is the most complete guide for first-time job seekers as well as second and encore careers changers. For more than three decades, it remains a mainstay o... RN ...