‘cause my kids are getting older, maybe it’s because I’ve been thinking about my own work, I have been thinking a lot lately about the book that so many college students read, maybe still read at some point, and that’s the What Color Is Your Parachute book. Do you know what I...
Until the late 1990s, to almost everyone except the self-publishers,allself-publishingwasvanity publishing. The only times the public called a book self-published, rather than vanity published, was if a book sold well (e.g.,What Color Is Your Parachute,The Christmas Box,The Celestine Prophecy)...
I should note that, outside of the targeted advice for college students, I have a lot of free advice in my ebookMaximizing LinkedIn for Businessthat you can download byclicking here. The advice I have there in terms of building connections, etc. is as applicable for students looking to imp...
interj.I’m speechless.; I can’t explain.; What more can I say?; What do you want me to say?; I’m speechless.So, I dented your car. I’m sorry. What can I say? See also:can,what McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The...
I wrote a whole book to help with that. How To Hit The Road is designed to be read at your leisure, making planning a bike tour simple and achievable, no matter the length, duration or budget. Available globally as an ebook or paperback. View on AmazonSave...
Made from parachute material these Onya bags are stored in easy to carry pouches which you can clip to your handbag, belt or pushchair. Bright ideas for home and garden; Gardening, food and design fans are set to flock to the NEC in their thousands on Wednesday for the start of the BBC...
I wrote a whole book to help with that. How To Hit The Road is designed to be read at your leisure, making planning a bike tour simple and achievable, no matter the length, duration or budget. Available globally as an ebook or paperback. View on AmazonSave...