But one thing's for sure: The bluish color of their "glow" is unusual among creatures that exhibit bioluminescence (or the ability to "light up," thanks to a chemical reaction in the body). Although these lightning bugs are abundant locally, they're found in very few places throughout th...
different pictures which leads me to believe that whatever these pixels are are on the sensor itself. A quick Google search suggests that these are "Hot Pixels" I wanted to check here before jumping to conclusions. if these are Hot Pixels, is this a sign of something wrong with my camera...
R2D2•Forum Pro• Posts: 29,312 Re: "sim exp" what does it mean. In reply toJames K Cheung•Aug 11, 2018 1 James K Cheung wrote: Exp SIM it is. My error, my reading error. Thanks for the correction and explanations.
Hallmark Cards introduced Rainbow Brite—who brought happiness and color wherever she went—as an animated series in 1985. Mattel took the reigns formerchandising, and the Rainbow Brite dolls, with their vibrant hair, along with her trusted steed Starlite, became must-have toys for young girls. ...
(3)The force is strong with thisHans Soloinspired Star Wars craft. (via Ruffles and Rainboots) (4, 5)But don’t forget his trusty friends,R2D2(via Frosting and Glue) andBaby Yoda! (via Simple Everyday Mom) (6)“Hey! Get me outta here!” If there ever was a lovable, trash to ...
Android's green robot mascot is fun and iconic. Created by designer Irina Blok, it never had an official name... until now. While it's commonly called Bugdroid, Google has taken to calling it The Bot. Do you think that suits the mascot? What do you call it?
TAYARI:They all have names. Like the one from 1919, his name is Andre, and the one I like the best, she's kinda a deep purple in color, so her name is Genie because her color is aubergine. ANNE:Coffee, tea, none of the above?
She's passionate about all things space and is a huge science and science-fiction geek. Star Wars is her favorite fandom, with that sassy little droid, R2D2 being her favorite. She studied science at the University of Florida, earning a degree in microbiology. Her work has also been ...
While green is typically a bright color that makes people think sunny and warm thoughts, in Texas Walmarts it means there is an active hostage situation unfolding. If you hear this, and you can do it safely, move to a safe area of the store and contact the police to alert them of th...
2. I collect Lego's but not name brand ones, and not even Lego's I buy generic's the main company I like is Best Lock, though I do have a Christmas Special R2D2 Lego figurine. I don't keep them in their boxes I put mine together and display them and have been known to build ...