【Taylor Swift/meme】What’s your color?默吱er 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3.9万 143 00:55 App 【手书】Cruel Summer--Taylor Swift 6004 78 02:35 App 【Taylor Swift手书】那什么的TS专辑 1.9万 18 00:27 App 【Taylor Swift/meme片段】原来是专辑啊我还以为是猫猫呢/专辑...
强烈推荐这个东东~ [Taylor swift - Call It What You Want.mp3]给你放这儿啦~ 这个资源你喜欢不,还想了解其他类似的资源不?
ANDREWS: Those numbers, I think, are completely accurate. I would be in agreement with those numbers because those are the kinds of gains you see in an event like a Super Bowl. The thing that is so amazing about the Taylor Swift concert, in particular, is that it goes from city to ci...
colorfrank 音乐、性别、社会文化分析 《rep》深度分析的片段精选|考拉王 | 《Call It What You Want》Taylor Swift(2017.11.3) 考拉王已经是刻进我骨髓里的歌曲,每当我被外界的敌意逼成一个刺猬、又伤到自己的时候,我会像这首歌一样蜷缩回自己的安全小屋。这是个很糟糕的世界,尔虞我诈,充满恶意。为什...
我霉霉蛇年主题曲[老师爱你]《Look what you made me do》—Taylor Swift 因果循环 报应必到[给你小心心] http://t.cn/A61k1QLw
Swift first achieved billionaire status in October when she released a re-recording of her nine-year-old album "1989,"Bloombergreported. Her wealth is powered by her legions of loyal fans, whose spending on all things Swift-related make the pop star an economic engine on her own, bringing ...
However, what distinguishes Taylor Swift concerts in the realm of passion tourism is the broad interest and enthusiasm among Americans who want to travel abroad, according to travel agents. "I've never seen this excitement to travel to go see an artist," said Jessica Griscavage, a travel adv...
她用了一个化名,也就是Nils Sjoberg,MV中这个名字出现在她身后的一座墓碑上。而且Taylor也是在这首歌发行一段时间之后才表明她有参与这首夏日热单《This Is What You Came For》的创作。在这之后,尽管Taylor跟Calvin Harris分手了,但是Calvin Harris依旧在推特上表示,Taylor的确是写了这首歌。
Taylor Swift《霉霉Taylor Swift-look what you made me do jingle bell ball(live) (Live)》MV在线看!Taylor Swift 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Taylor并不是一个高产的歌手,但是要么不出歌,要出歌首首是经典 继2014年的《1989》,终于,在今天这个特别的日子里终于发行了第六张专辑首单的MV。其实昨天晚上在听音源后并没有多大感觉,但今天看了MV后发现,这简直描写的是一个从甄泰勒到钮祜禄泰勒的上位史啊。既然是一部上位史,那我们就慢慢来谈这里面的故事。