Red and orange electrical wires are often used as secondary live wires when installing large appliances like stoves, dryers, or air conditioning units. This is because they can produce 240 volts for these larger appliances that require more power than smaller devices that only need one (black) s...
What do the Different Color Wires Mean? Here's a rundown of electrical wires: Theblack wireis the "hot" wire, it carries the electricity from the breaker panel into the switch or light source. Thewhite wireis the "neutral" wire, it takes any unused electricity and current and sends it ...
Now you might be wondering: what are wires made of? To meet the exact needs of your electrical system, there are a range of materials used to make wires and cables that are highly conductive material and insulated properly. Discover more about how electrical cables and wires are made, and ...
Live wires carry the power from the source to a switch or appliance. These wires power the electrical demand or load at various locations throughout your home. These may be light switches, electrical outlets, or junction boxes for light fixtures. The electrical source is ultima...
This article is available in Hindi, Marathi & Gujarati languages. Electrical wires follow standard color coding that helps classify each wire function in the circuit. In India wires are RGB mode i.e. Red- Green- Black. Each of these RGB wire have differe
Wiring systemsare color-coded to identify individual wires. This type of system is most helpful to identify wires during maintenance activities. The term “DC power” is often used instead of “DC voltage” when speaking about wire color codes (note: DC power is not interchangeable with the te...
WiMo has gained some notoriety for being a fully programmable robot that you don't need to be an Electrical Engineer to build. Brian, in classic Microsoft style, sees the whole thing as a software problem. In its simplest form, you can build a functional WiMo out of nothing more than a...
Large voltages must be stepped down to the nominal digitizing level. There are sensors for this, including potential transducers (PTs) which can divide the thousands of volts on an electrical transmission line down to a safe level. The output of a PT is then fed into the voltage signal condi...
The flow of electrical charge (electrons) is called electricity, from the Greek word elecktra. An example is the current that comes to your house through wires, powering your computer, lights, and other devices. Many phenomena are the result of electricity, including lightning, static electricity...
Weather generally does not affect fiber internet because the connection uses light signals transmitted through glass or plastic fibers. These signals are immune to electromagnetic interference and weather conditions such as rain, wind and electrical storms. This resilience to adverse weather conditions ensu...