Selecting a college major can be a difficult decision but it's not one you have to make on your own. Take our assessment to help determine what you should major in. Start now!
i have got well i have loved you all i have mailed you i have minormajor dam i have my principles i have my reasons i have never felt lik i have news to announ i have no crisis i have no doubt of yo i have no experience i have no intention o i have no other choic i have ...
herfuturepatientsbyaddingasecondmajor(专业),oneinSpanish. “IwasdrawntonursingbecauseIwantacareerthatwillbefulfillingandwillhelpmeserve others,”saysHobbs.“IchosetoaddamajorinSpanishbecauseIlovelearningaboutother cultures,andIwanttodosomethingforthoseeasilyignoredpopulationsinmynursingcareer.” Inadditiontohernurs...
Consider taking a college major assessment test, which helps you decide how to choose a major by asking several dozen questions. For tests to see what major is right for you, check out the “What should I major in quiz” by Loyola or the “college major personality quiz” from ThoughtCo....
acollegemajor,hermothersuggestedacareerin forestry(林业).That?swhenherjourneybegan, andshefellinlovewithforestry.Awayfromthe crowdedcities,inthelapofthe Himalayas,she graduatedinforestryfrom KumaunUniversity,India.Whenshewentontostudya56. (master)degreeinforestryfromtheForestResearchInstitute,India,shefinally...
i got a callback so i i got a college degre i got a cousin i got a lawyer and a i got freaked out i got goo vibration i got my own tv i got my rock moves i got out of breath w i got sick and tired i got soaking wet i got the anti-christ i got the love i got the...
Some people think that we should encouragestudents to choose their favorite major when they go to college for the firsttime. Some think that our college should open more platform help students tofind their favorite subject. For me, I think students should value themselvesand make plans for ...
Meanwhile, I plan to major in history in college, so I can make full preparations for my future study. What's more, I can apply what I've learned in school into practice. I'm good at storytelling and remembering information, which ar...
题目Deciding on a major is once of the most important choices that a college student makes.The first thing that you need to realize is that this decision is not foal. Many high school students are worried about having to pick a major and place too much stress on it.T...
does that college even offer that major? while students might have certain schools they’re interested in due to prestige, family ties or geographic location, they should keep an open mind when considering colleges, rim says. yale university in connecticut, for instance, doesn’t off...