And the reason this is among the most useless degrees is because short of teaching language as a college professor, many linguistics jobs like freelance language experts, translators, and related positions don't require a degree. It may make better sense to use the time you would've invested ...
In today's society,a college degree tells little about what you know in comparison to what it tells about what you can learn.For example,the IT world is constantly changing.Anything you learn today will probably be useless in a few short years.The point is to learn to learn.Blogging (写...
In today’s society, a college degree tells little about what you know in comparison to what it tells about what you can learn.For instance, the IT world is constantly changing.Anything you learn today will probably be useless in a few short years.The point is to learn to learn. ...
2.Know How to Brand Your “Useless” College Degree 了解如何给你“无用的”大学文凭提升逼格 Not everyone graduates with one of the best-paying degrees. If yours is among those with theworst return on your money, not all hope is lost. During your job search, even a “useless”degree can ...
In today’s society a college degree tells little about what you know in comparison to what it tells about what you can learn.For instance the IT world is constantly changing.Anything you learn today will probably be useless in a few short years.The point is to learn to learn. Blogging ...
阅读理解 In today’s society, a college degree tells little about what you know in comparison to what it tells about what you can learn.For instance, the IT world is constantly changing.Anything you learn today will probably be useless in a few short
In today’s society a college degree tells little about what you know in comparison to what it tells about what you can learn.For instance the IT world is constantly changing.Anything you learn today will probably be useless in a few short years.The point is to learn to learn. Blogging ...
ofwhiteswithcollegedegreeshaddied. Therefore,improvingoverallqualityofeducationissomethingtangiblethatcanhelpreverse (扭转)thistroublingtrendinreductionoflifeexpectancyamongmiddle-agedadults. 8.Whatcanwelearnabouttheparticipantsinthe study? A.Thewhitesaremoreaggressive. B.Thewhitesgothighereducation. C.Moreblacksth...
seem far less fruitful than others (hello B.A. in Poetry!), any college degree is useful, as long as you know how to transform it into a valuable commodity. Read on for tips on how to make the most of any degree – and sample jobs for some of the more “useless” degrees. ...
I studied cultural geography in college. Well… to be honest, I fell into cultural geography. I bounced around a dozen different degrees and settled on that one. Cultural geography sounds (to me) like a useless degree. What's funny is that I actually USE my degree. I travel. I interact...