The credit card charge "KLKLA SVCS CO CA" was first recorded on June 06, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users. Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting! Is this a ...
We already mentioned that ingredient co-branding types are popular—here’s another one in a similar vein. Betty Crocker is a brand famous for its cake mixes, frostings and other types of desserts that are ready to be made at home. The brand partnered with Hershey’s to create cookie mixes...
College Sports and COVID-19 More Brett Carlsen|Getty Images Some college athletic conferences have already cancelled fall sports, while others have announced that member schools will play only teams within the conference while mandating strict testing for athletes. Few traditions in higher edu...
Phishing is evolving with AI The first primitive forms of phishing attacks emerged decades ago in chat rooms. Since then, phishing has evolved in complexity to become one of the largest and most costly cybercrimes on the internet that leads to business email compromise (BEC), (email account ta...
He adds: "Gender is a significant part of what it means to be human. Why wouldn't you want to understand it?" Robert J. Mundy, coauthor of the book "Gender, Sexuality, and the Cultural Politics of Men’s Identity in the New Millennium: Literacies of Masculinity," wrote in an email...
Coopetition -- also spelled co-opetition -- is a portmanteau, combining the words cooperation and competition. Competitive businesses that also cooperate when it is to their advantage are said to be in coopetition. The principles and practices of coopetition are credited to New York University an...
On the brighter side, 17 percent of respondents say that they will be staying in nursing because of their experience during COVID-19. We don’t know all of the reasons—it may be partially due to economic reasons—but we think it is partly due to the very gratifying experience they had...
Executives, on average, believe that global GDP could increase by 4 to 7 percent in 2021 and that a full return to 2019 GDP levels is possible by 2022. Emerging trends The pandemic has accelerated many major trends that were shaping economies befor...
A co-applicant is an additional person considered in the underwriting and approval of a loan or other type of application. Applying for a loan with a co-applicant can help to improve the chances of loan approval and also provide for more favorable loan terms. A co-applicant may become aco-...
Co-signing is an option that lenders will often allow for a variety of loans. It is considered a type ofjoint creditthat is associated with either a co-signer or co-borrowing agreement. Co-signing can be a benefit for borrowers with low income or minimal credit history. Adding a co-signe...