Which type of cloud is tall and associated with thunderstorms? Very severe thunderstorms can form when what happens? What type of weather occurs during a waterspout? What is the cloud form classification associated with a thunderstorm? What weather phenomenon sometimes accompany storm surges?
What type of cloud is highest in the sky? How are nimbostratus clouds formed? In what process does water form clouds? What are the four types of clouds? What is the study of clouds called? What are stratus clouds made of? Do nimbostratus clouds produce thunderstorms? What are the air cur...
Thunderstorms themselves form like many other clouds: Moist, warm air rises and cools, causing the water vapor to condense into clouds. However, if the updraft continues, this cloud mass will continue to grow and rise 40,000 feet (12,192 m) or more up into the troposphere, the bottom...
Hail forms in thunderstorms that include strong updrafts. Water vapor condenses in a cloud and is then pulled up by the updraft, where they are frozen. The hailstones grow as additional water vapor is deposited on the surface. Eventually, the hailstones acquire enough weight to escape the up...
Sheet lightning is a form of cloud-to-cloud lightning that poses no threat and can be a spectacular sight to witness. Heat Lightning Heat lightning doesn’t actually involve any more heat than other forms of lighting. The name “heat lightning” came from the fact that this type of lightnin...
In less than five hours, thunderstorms in nearby areas dumped more rain than the region ordinarily experiences in a year. The Big Thompson River, normally a shallow, slow-moving waterway, abruptly transformed into an unstoppable torrent, dumping 233,000 gallons (882,000 liters) of water into ...
Thunderstorms start with towering cumulus clouds, which are made up of droplets and crystals.Another thunderstorm drawing - Thunderstorm development: Within the cumulus cloud that has now formed, the upward motion of air continues. As the air rises and cools, water droplets can freeze, forming ice...
A wall cloud is a cloud that islowered from a thunderstorm, forming when rapidly rising air causes lower pressure below the storm's main updraft. ... Wall clouds that rotate are a warning sign of very violent thunderstorms. They can be an indication that a tornado will touch down within ...
. Those disasters can sever cable connections, which take time to fix. As long as you have an intact satellite dish, you should be able to stay connected with satellite service. Satellites, however, can be more cumbersome to keep operational in locations with heavy rainfall and thunderstorms....
Outflow, in meteorology, isair that flows outwards from a storm system. ... In the low levels of the troposphere, outflow radiates from thunderstorms in the form of a wedge of rain-cooled air, which is visible as a thin rope-like cloud on weather satellite imagery or a fine line on ...