Where concrete structures outer face comes in direct contact with the weather or the ground after removingformwork, likewisefootingsides, grade beams, retaining walls, and top slab, etc.its cover should not be less than 50 mm. In unusual cases like concrete cover for footing, and main structura...
Practice muscle cleans and focus on an aggressive turnover. Practice “tall cleans” at a light load. Ensure that grip is relaxed and the bar is rolling back into the fingertips. How Do I Warm Up for the Clean? There are a variety of skill progressions and warm-ups that can be complete...
I made black rust quite by accident when I was trying to get red. I simply put some fine #00 steel wool⇦this oneBayorAmazon[affil links]in a small amount of water and let the capillary action pull the moisture up into the rest of the "wool". It all turned into very fine black ...