Official answer: Bromazepam is a benzodiazepine used for the short-term treatment of severe anxiety or panic attacks in adults...
Avi Blake, DVMVeterinary Medicine
i was diagnosed with htlv in 2000, and my bladder is affected. i have to use a catheter. It has also affected the nerves in my feet. i started off with a cane, then a walker and now a wheelchair. i take baclofen prednisone 50mg once a week, five pills at once, and gabapentin for...
Only one study [80] of two [23,80] comparing carbamazepine to placebo showed a significant decrease in craving. The anticonvulsant topiramate was found to have anti-craving effects in two [81,82] out of four trials [81,82,83,86]. The trials with baclofen [141], gabapentin [77], lamotr...
points. it is a strong med in a cream but not approved here. Byanon49591— On Oct 21, 2009 POST 32: Chiropractors are *not* doctors. POST 31: I experience the same thing, primarily in my shoulders as well. I have been going to trigger point massage therapy and it helps a lot. ...