What is a flamingo? What is a bobwhite? What is a triggerfish? What is a pycnocline in oceanography? What is a chiton? What is krill? What are nekton? What is dephosphorylation? What is biogeography? What is forestation? What is a pelican?
Any animal belonging to the phylum Mollusca is classified as a mollusk, regardless of its class, order, or species. Mollusks mainly inhabit marine environments. They all have a specialized structure called the mantle. Answer and Explanation: ...
Torsion isthe twisting of a beam under the action of a torque(twisting moment). ... A torque, T , has the same units (N m) as a bending moment, M . Both are the product of a force and a distance. Which class of mollusk is the largest? Gastropodsare by far the largest class o...
The adult stage of bivalves, gastropods and chitons are very different. However, the earliest larval stage of each class is the trochophore. Trochophores don't vary much. Some cephalopods don't have a trochophore stage. However, the resemblance of trochophores to each other despite class...
What classifies a creature as a vertebrate or invertebrate? What type of diet do they have? Are they aquatic or terrestrial animals? The segmented body is the characteristic feature of which phylum of the animal kingdom? Contrast and compare...
What is a Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish? What are Chitons? What is a Crinoid? What is a Sea Cucumber? Discussion Comments Byindigowater— On Jun 21, 2011 @anon177537 - National Geographic had a video about starfish facts and I think the only ways they communicate are through a sense of touc...
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MostmolluskshaveanexternalcalciumcarbonateshellthatisproducedbyMostmolluskshaveanexternalcalciumcarbonateshellthatisproducedby themantle.themantle. AllAllbodysystemsbodysystemsarepresent.arepresent. Manyalsohavearadula(auniqueorganthatismostlycomposedofahardManyalsohavearadula(auniqueorganthatismostlycomposedofahard...
The most diverse class of arthropods is: a. Diplopoda b. Arachnida c. Crustacea d. Insecta How can a crustacean be differentiated from an arachnid? a. All crustaceans have antennae, while arachnids have chelicerae. b. All crustac...
Is a snail a member of the phylum Mollusca? Why did members of the phylum Mollusca lose segmentation? What is the most abundant member of the phylum Mollusca? To which class of the phylum Mollusca does a squid belong? Is a starfish a member of the phylum Mollusca? What is torsion in m...