If you reside outside of the service area, you will bear the cost of: (a) travel of an authorised representative; (b) transportation and delivery of the Appliance to and from Residentia Group or its ASR, in all instances, unless the Appliance is transported by Residentia Group or its...
5 - I'm living in Gods country here in Queensland, we have absolutely magnificent weather and views, but it does get very bloody hot in Summer. Also, roo poo on the greens is a genuine issue with early rounds if you beat the greenskeepers out to the holes. 6 - IT Support 7 - My...
I have only been in Wisconsin for about 15 years. Actually grew up in Iowa. They used to have the Amana VIP Tournament in Iowa City when I was a young kid. Don't know if anyone else remembers that, but I think it was a PGA event back in the late 70's early80's. Never got t...