Better public transit:Urban areas usually have better public transportation options. Many cities build their infrastructure to encourage their residents to travel by foot, bicycle, or bus, and in some cities you might not need a car at all. The suburbs, on the other hand, are typically created...
What about the commercial opportunities – and challenges? PH:The potential is big. The 11 cities in the GBA have a combined population of 67 million people, and it’s still growing, so there’s lots of opportunity. We are well known in Shenzhen, but Hong Kong has not been...
Envisioning a response to homelessness that reflects understanding that the journey into—and out of—a home is often unique to the individual.(11 pages)Few, if any, American cities or metro areas are grappling with the large scale of homelessness seen in the S...
Of course, there’s more to the city’s dining scene than just steakhouses. For fine dining to impress, Oriole and Smyth are both Michelin-starred spots in the West Loop with tasting menus that are constantly changing. For something more casual in the area, Trivoli Tavern is an American-...
Two beaches in Stegna and Gdynia Orłowo sites are considered that represent the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea (Fig. 1). Both are located in the Pomeranian Voivodeship in Northern Poland and lie along the Gdańsk Bay. The Stegna beach corresponds directly with the Vistula Spit, which is ...
A large front yard can provide an even greater buffer, though these are rare in big cities. The greater the ratio of land:home, the cozier your home will feel. For example, if you’re home only took up 10% of your entire plot of land, it would feel much cozier than a home that ...
Dreischmeier, andYuval Atsmonare senior partners in the London office;Julien Boudetis a senior partner in the Southern California office;Karel Dörneris a senior partner in the Munich office;Paul Rocheis a senior partner in the Bay Area office; andSajal Kohliis a senior partner in the ...
What's the biggest city in the world?Determining Cities:Cities are determined in different ways. In the United Kingdom the monarch decides which areas are cities; in the United States, to become a city the population must be 2,500 or more....
the Minneapolis office; Lareina Yee and Olivia White, a director of MGI, are senior partners in the Bay Area office; Massimo Giordano is a senior partner in the Milan office; Nick Leung is a senior partner in the Hong Kong office; Rodney Zemmel is a senior partner in the New York ...
The term Silicon Valley refers to a region in the south San Francisco Bay Area. The name was first adopted in the early 1970s because of the region's association with the silicon transistor, which is used in all modern microprocessors.1The area is notable for the vast number oftechnology c...