What is a Church? Biblical Basics for Christian Community Copyright © 2011 by Mark D. Roberts and Patheos.com Note: You may download this resource at no
What Jesus Says..Forgiveness 42:53 Dr. Mark Herzer • 10/4/20 使徒馬竇傳福音書 18:21-35 What Jesus Says About Himself 29:40 Dr. Mark Herzer • 9/27/20 若翰傳福音之書 14:1-11 Broadcaster Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church Follow...
From the Church’s early days, the Fathers referred to Christ’s presence in the Eucharist. Kelly writes: “Ignatius roundly declares that . . . [t]he bread is the flesh of Jesus, the cup his blood. Clearly he intends this realism to be taken strictly, for he makes it the basis of...
What Did Jesus Mean By 'I Am the Light of the World'? God is the light that shines within and through His church as the light of the world. The same word the Bible uses for light in Matthew 5 to describe Christ’s Church also describes Christ Himself in John 8:12: “Then Jesu...
These women may feel like they're alone like I did, but we have to start talking about this more openly. We have to be honest within the Church because the only way women are going to find freedom from lust is if we talk about it. Sister, if you are caught up in lust you can'...
“The true knowledge is the doctrine of the apostles, and the ancient organization of the Church throughout the whole world, and the manifestation of the body of Christ according to the succession of bishops, by which succession the bishops have handed down the Church which is found everywhere...
Perhaps you were taught to think of saints as statues in a church building. But the Bible teaches something completely different. Who is a saint? You are. That is if you’re a follower of Jesus. God calls a "saint" those who trust in Christ alone for salvation. "But Ananias answered,...
女王的棋局第1季第5集台词 英文中文Dark's nothing to be afraid of.无需害怕黑暗In fact, I'd go as far as saying...
Part of men’s angst derives from their accord with their nineteenth century Mormon counterparts that “God required wives to submit to their husband, [while] He also expected husbands to love and care for their wives, as Christ did the Church” [42] (p. 40). To achieve the ideal, men...
While billions of people believe Jesus of Nazareth was one of the most important figures in world history, many others reject the idea that he even existed at all. A 2015 survey conducted by the Church of England, for instance, found that 22 percent of adults in England did not believe Je...