You may be most familiar with tryptophan as the chemical in turkey meat that makes people sleepy after their big holiday meal. 4. Goji Berries A 2016 study found that rats who consumed goji berries had reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety.⁶ In humans, goji berry juice can boost ...
Antihistamines block the effects of histamine, the chemical responsible for symptoms like itching, runny nose, and sneezing. These medications can prevent allergy symptoms (if taken before you come into contact with the trigger). And they can help improve the symptoms (if taken afterward). Examples...
More than simply feeling tired or sleepy, COVID-19-related fatigue leaves you drained and exhausted. Normal activities like walking up a flight of stairs become challenging and your concentration can be affected. Taking a nap or having a full night's sleep don't relieve this fatigue, and ...
Depression makes it hard to get good rest. Some people sleep too much. Others can't fall asleep easily. As you recover, relearn good nighttime habits. Start by going to bed and getting up the same times each day. Use relaxation techniques to help you drift off. Quality shut-eye makes y...
IH is a neurological sleep disorder that causes you to be incredibly tired during the day. It makes you crave sleep and have a hard time staying alert during the day. Even if you get hours of sleep or take naps, you don’t wake up feeling refreshed. ...
Raw Turkey Necks, Beef Kneecaps and carefully sliced marrow bones are other nutritious options. Raw Turkey necks and raw chicken wings or chicken backs can be a regular part of a healthy dogs’ diet! Turkey necks and Chicken backs are intended to be eaten in their entirety, but can be mes...
“The Headless Horseman” A Film Play Adapted from Washington Irving’s “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” ByFront OfficeinArticles BY HARRIET MICHAEL Washington Irving’s famous classic, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” is being brought to the screen, with the inimitable Will Rogers in the role of ...
If you're considering a 3 day fast but have never fasted before, here are some lessons and experiences to prepare for so you don't learn them the hard way.
I don't understand why all of you are quitting cold turkey. Unless you're in the midst of an immediate health crisis, it makes far more sense to cut back very gradually. That way, the candida die off slower and your body's biochemistry readjusts more quickly. Yes, sugar is terrible fo...
only people I suck my thumb in front of is my mom, and boyfriend of two years. In the last few years I have become more comfortable with thumb sucking just being a part of who I am. Although I wish I could stop, it is not something that affects my daily life and it makes me ...