While the carcinogen theory of cancer drives the majority of research into its causes and the search for therapies today, a growing alternative stream of thought is convinced that specific carcinogens do not actually cause cancer, but merely determine where in the body cancer is going to occur. ...
There are cancer risks in everyday life: tobacco use, diet, the sun, even viruses, and other infections. You cannot live in a cocoon but there are ways to help prevent cancer. (We'll get to those later.) In the meantime, it's important to get a solid foundation for what could trig...
Tobacco is one of the leading causes of cancer and is highly linked to lung cancer. The National Cancer Institute in the US states that “Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the United States, with 90 percent of lung cancer deaths among men and ...
It can cause nasal cancer, as well as damaging the digestive system, skin and lungs. Hydrogen Cyanide –some states use this chemical in their gas chambers for executions. It weakens the lungs and causes fatigue, headaches and nausea. It is used in the production of acrylic plastics and ...
While some look to vaping as a potentially less harmful alternative to smoking cigarettes, it is unclear whether it may increase your risk of cancer. Although there is no tobacco in vapes, the chemicals in them are of concern for lung health and cancer risk. ...
Cigarette smokingcauses 87 percent of lung cancer deaths. Smoking damages the lungs and causes cancer in two main ways. First, there are roughly 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, and about 150 of them are cancer-causing agents. These substances influence the way lung cells grow and divide. ...
Chemical Factors:It causes bysmoke, drunk, andtobacco. Biological Factors:It causes byviral oncogenes, proto-oncogenes, andcellular oncogenes. Types of Cancer The various types of cancer are given below: Carcinoma It is a common type of cancer. It starts in the skin or tissues that line ot...
Cancer resulting from tobacco use is also the most preventable cause of death. • Benzene –This chemical is a colorless, flammable liquid that is commonly used as a solvent and to make other chemicals. Benzene occurs naturally in crude oil, gasoline, and cigarette smoke. It was once also ...
Their 2002 biased book Misconceptions about the Causes of Ca,ncer,1 regurgitates their trumpeted thesis that chemicals are safe, and that there is a "cancer-scare" conspiracy being perpetrated by public and environmental health advocates. Unfortunately, the end of their pro-chemical crusade is ...