Explainer What is data security? Find out how data security helps protect digital information from unauthorized access, corruption or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. Read the article Explainer What is a cyberattack? A cyberattack is an intentional effort to steal, expose, alter, disable...
Sectors are used to categorize the economic activity of consumers and businesses into groupings based on the type of business activity. Each sector represents a different stage of economic activity as it relates to how closely tied or not that activity is to the extraction of natural resources. ...
high youth unemployment, resource issues (especially water), and a real estate sector that smells like trouble to me. The economy is still rather too reliant on foreign exports if you ask me too and that could be restrained
(a place of not only sight and sound, but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination.). With IPTV you get premium VOD service, having all of the channels on the broadcast spectrum, thousands of movies, live IPTV and events, in...
A few weeks ago, Channel News Asia ran a one-hour documentary on the effect of rising temperatures in Singapore with an emphasis on not just climate change in general, but the perils of greater urbanisation identifying the urban heat island effect, with the loss of open areas and secondary ...
Xuma runs optimally on platforms built for it, like Xumo TV or the Xumo Stream Box. You can find them on Spectrum. You can stream Xumo shows and movies on a variety of platforms. You can also download Xumo Play foriOSandAndroidto watch its content on mobile devices. It’s available...
The standard spectrum of economic systems places laissez-faire capitalism at one extreme and a complete planned economy—such ascommunism—at the other. Everything in between could be said to be a mixed economy. The mixed economy has elements of both central planning and unplanned private business...
Anderson says “the…contemporary version is that gender is a spectrum; you could identify as gender fluid, gender ambidextrous, so it’s not longer just transgender, which suggests we’re retaining the binary…[so] you identify as the other sex. Now we’re doing away with the…entire ...
You'll also have a greater choice of size with a QLED screen – at both ends of the price spectrum. This is starting to change, but there are still things to consider. For example, it wasn't long ago that you couldn't get an OLED under 55 inches, but they now go as low as 42...
A Spectrum of Control From the summaries of the sections above, there are multiple types of digital assets. There are decentralized bearer assets like bitcoins, and there are digital representations of fiat currency like corporate stablecoins and central bank digital currencies. There are also other...