Easter Island Mystery: What Really Happened To Rapa Nui Society?News Staff
Easter Island studies : contributions to the history of Rapanui in memory of William T. Mulloy Easter Island studies : contributions to the history of Rapanui in memory of William T. Mulloy edited by Steven Roger Fischer (Oxbow monograph, 32) Oxbow Books , [Distributor USA], David Brown ...
Flights arrive at Rapa Nui's small Mataveri Airport in the town of Hanga Roa. The feel here is instantly more Polynesian than Chilean, despite Chile's annexation of the island in 1888. Aside from the language, imported food and household goods, the connection between Rapa Nui and Chile...
And as climate change has been tied to an increase in hurricane intensity, these impacts could continue to worsen. But when exactly does the Atlantic hurricane season of 2024 start, and how long does it last? And how do hurricanes form? What can people do to prepare in the face of the ...
It hasn't changed much since the beginning, I must say!Here is a screenshot of my excel sheet "round-the-world trip"As you can see I have created a tab for each country... At the top I put our "theoretical budget" (here 21€ per day and per person for Vietnam) and the rough...
Did the Rapa Nui deforest their island? They did, and one way we've confirmed they did it within only about four centuries is through pollen analysis that tells us how much was around when. Though we don't know for sure the reasons, there are plenty of rational alternatives. Boatbuilding...
Rapa Nui Mystery: What Really Happened on Easter Island?Easter Island is famous for its humongous stone statues, calledmoai. But the island itself is...BotkinKowacki, Eva
Rapa Nui is one of the smallest, most remote, and isolated landmasses in the world to have already been settled when European explorers arrived in the eighteenth century. The first people to arrive on Rapa Nui were Polynesians thought to have island-hopped from east Asia (mitochondrial origin...