Mammals哺乳动物What animals can produce milk for their babies?Mammals!Dogs, pigs, elephants, lions, dolphins and bats areall mammals. Female mammals have a specialized organthat makes milk. There are about 5,500 species ofmammals. The largest mammals are blue whales. Theyare up to 33 metres ...
The glandular tissue and fatty tissue that make up a woman's breasts are both specialized tissues that produce milk. The breast's size is determined by its level of fat.Answer and Explanation: Breast cells can develop a precancerous condition called atypical hyperplasia. The term atypical hyperp...
Healthy cows produce high quality milk and farmers go to great lengths to assure their herds have nutritious feed, access to clean water, proper housing and regular medical care. These methods help keep bacteria in the milk at very low levels. Dairy farmers also routinely sanitize equipment and...
结果一 题目 猜谜语1. I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk. Whatam1?2. What table is in the field? 答案 1. A cow 2. Vegetable相关推荐 1猜谜语1. I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk. Whatam1?2. What table is in the field?
What signs and symptoms may accompany breast buds in babies? There may also be some clear or milky discharge from the breast buds. This is also called the witch's milk. The discharge generally goes away within 2 weeks of birth. When do breast buds in babies go away? After the baby is...
During the first week, the milk-making cells, and the way they connect to one another, adjust for ongoing breastfeeding.1 From then until around the two-week mark, the milk they produce is called transitional milk.2 “With the delivery of the placenta, the mother’s level of the ...
DCIS means abnormal cells exist in the lining of the milk ducts but have not invaded surrounding breast tissue. DCIS can become invasive cancer if not treated. LCIS occurs in the breast lobules, where breast milk is produced, without spreading further. LCIS is not technically cancer, but it ...
@pastanaga - I don't know if the differences between formula and breast milk are all that great these days anyway. I'm sure there are some kinds of antibodies and things that babies can still only get from breast milk, but mostly they will be fine on formula. ...
Mammals only produce milk during reproduction to feed their newborns. Since reproduction is an animal’s most important task in life, it’s interesting to note that it also involves their most significant use of lectins – the mother’s milk is loaded with it. ...
Composition of Human Breastmilk:The first type of milk produced after delivery is colostrum. Only a small volume is produced and it is distinct from mature breastmilk in its colour and composition. It is rich in immunologic agents including antibodies, lactoferrin, and white blood cells. Mat...