Plasma cells are a type of white blood cell that produces antibodies. An important part of the immune system, plasma cells serve...
plasma cellSummary Plasma cells are terminally differentiated B lymphocytes that constitutively secrete antibodies. These antibodies can provide protection against pathogens, and their quantity and quality are the best clinical correlates of vaccine efficacy. As such, plasma cell lifespan is the primary ...
Antibody secretion is executed by plasma cells that are generated in the periphery and migrate to the bone marrow to establish a long lived pool. The terminal differentiation of B lymphocytes into plasma cells is executed by a network of transcription factors that cross-regulate each other in orde...
Blood is a combination of plasma (watery liquid) and cells that float in it. It is a specialized bodily fluid that supplies essential substances and nutrients, such as sugar, oxygen, and hormones to our cells, and carries waste away from those cells, this waste is eventually flus...
When I took biology I was totally fascinated by the plasma membrane. It really is integral to the cells functioning because of the way it allows some things, but not others, to pass through the membrane. There are also membranes inside the cell. In fact, the compartmentalization inside the ...
What is the role of Plasma cells in body defence? View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board Bihar Board CBSE Free Textbook Solutions KC Sinha Solutions for Maths Cengage Solutions for Maths DC Pandey Solutions for Physics HC Verma Solutions for Physics ...
Naïve cells are non-active lymphocytes that recognize and bind to specific antigens, become activated, and launch target attacks against foreign pathogens.
This contrasts with the other main cells of human blood: the white blood cells, technically known asleukocytes. Similarly produced in the bone marrow, they are active only for three or four days, yet they are essential in defending the body against infections. White blood cells come in many ...
Cell-permeant molecules aremolecules that are relatively insoluble and are able to cross the lipid bilayer plasma membrane to bind to intercellular receptors. Steroids are considered cell-permeant molecules. What activates cell signalling? Cells typically receive signals in chemical form viavarious signalin...
Finally, lipids or fat molecules are components of cell membranes — both the plasma membrane and various intracellular membranes. They are also involved in energy storage, as well as relaying signals within cells and from the bloodstream to a cell's interior (Figure 2). Some cells also feature...