1.the two main types of cells in the world are __prokaryote___and___eukaryote ___.2.Prokaryotic cells have no nuclei,while eukaryotic cells do have true nuclei.3.3.fill in the blanks below with the...结果一 题目 几个英文题(关于cell的) 1.the two main types of cells in the world...
In general, prokaryote reproduction works in a simpler manner than the reproductive methods of eukaryotic organisms. The process is a kind of cell division calledbinary fission, and it is basically a self-replication procedure. Intheory, the end result is two identical prokaryotic cells, and that...
Plant cells are eukaryotic cells that do not vary in size and they are similar to the rectangular or cubic shape. It consists of a cell wall, central vacuole, and plastids. Answer and Explanation:1 The Rigid shape of the plant cell is due to the presence of cellulose which is a homopoly...
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39K Learn about the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. Discover what a nucleus is, its structure, the function of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells, and the difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells in terms of the nucleus. Related...
What is the function of cell cortex?A.Although actin is found throughout the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell, in many cells it is highly concentrated in a layer just beneath the plasma membrane. In this region, called the cell cortex, actin filaments are linked by actin-binding proteins into...
161.6K Views. Cells are the smallest and basic units of life, whether it is a single cell that forms the entire organism, e.g., in a bacterium or trillions of them, e.g., in humans. No matter what organism a cell is a part of, they share specific charact
159.9K Views. Cells are the smallest and basic units of life, whether it is a single cell that forms the entire organism, e.g., in a bacterium or trillions of them, e.g., in humans. No matter what organism a cell is a part of, they share specific charact
While some eukaryotic cells havecell walls, such as those in plants and fungi, almost all prokaryotic cells have them, and they are chemically distinct from those of eukaryotes. The walls give the organism stability, protection and its overall shape. The walls of bacteria consist of substances ...
All living things can be divided into two types of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and other cell structures that are bound by a distinct membrane. Bacteria, as prokaryotic cells, lack these internal membrane-bound structures. This distinction is considered to be...