There are three main tonicities of solutions: hypotonic solutions have less solute compared to the cell, hypertonic solutions have more solute compared to the cell, and isotonic solutions have the same amount of solute compared to the cell.Answer and Explanation: A plant cell swells in pure wat...
Plants are a group of organisms upon which animals rely for nutrition. This is because even carnivorous organisms rely on energy from plants because the animals they eat would have eaten plants.Answer and Explanation: The mitochondria releases energy in a plant cell. The mitochondria is a sausage...
Cells are complex structures with many "moving parts" that need to get from one point to another within the cell in order to accomplish metabolic processes. There are specialized organelles in both plant and animal cells that make up the superhighways of a cell. ...
eyewhenyougoonvacation.However,whenaBritishcouple,JessicaandEdward,flewtoCrete, theyfoundthemselvesattractingalotofattentionaftercomingacrossalargesumofmoneyinthe street. Atfirst,theirCretevacationhadn?tbeenanythingoutsideofthenorm.However,itwasas theywereexploringthesouvenirshopsthateverythingchanged.Thecouplewere...
Within this membrane, a cell's interior environment is water based. Called cytoplasm, this liquid environment is packed full of cellular machinery and structural elements. In fact, the concentrations of proteins inside a cell far outnumber those on the outside — whether the outside is ocean wa...
A central vacuole occupies most of the plant cell's interior. 5 Vesicle (Cytology) A membrane-bound structure within a cell in which materials such as enzymes are transported or stored. Vacuole A vacuole () is a membrane-bound organelle which is present in plant and fungal cells and some ...
bloodcellsasitthinksit?sunderattack. F.Alessobviousbenefitofcoldshowersmaybe discoveredwhenyoulookinthemirror. G.Thesuddentouchofcoldwaterwillsurprise thebody,leavingyoutakingadeepbreath. Ⅲ.完形填空 Asolderstudentsatyourschool,doyou sometimesfeelakindofresponsibility? I was luckyenoughtobenamedoneofourprefe...
Cellular respiration is the set of biochemical processes through which an organism's cells use sugar and oxygen to create energy via adenosine triphosphate synthesis. The products of this overall reaction are carbon dioxide and water. Answer and Explanation: ...
Pressure from the process of osmosis -- the movement of water from the outside to the inside of the plant's cells -- keeps up the plant's cell walls. When you water a plant, it sucks up the water through capillary action. Then the water travels from the roots through tubes called ...
Which organelle is not found in plant cells? Vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplast, or centriole? What is the most important organelle in a plant cell? What organelle is responsible for photosynthesis in a plant cell? Which cell organelle stores water and other materials? Is a centriole an organe...