They attach (bind) extra potassium in your body to the stool (poop) in your intestines, which prevents some extra potassium from entering your blood. The excess potassium then leaves your body when you go to the bathroom.What does potassium do?Potassium is a positively charged electrolyte. ...
What Causes Rectal Bleeding & How to Treat It If you notice bright, red blood right after a bowel movement, you may have rectal bleeding. A bleeding rectum can be commonly caused by anal fissures, hemorrhoids, or chronic constipation. Read more 15 Ways to Treat Long-Term and Chronic Constip...
Try for a maximum of 10 minutes. If you don't pass any poop, try again later when you have another urge to go.
If you decide you want to take fecal occult blood tests, you’ll need to do that every year and also get other tests by your doctor --flexible sigmoidoscopy(like a colonoscopy but doesn’t go as far into yourdigestive system) and barium enema (X-rays of the colon after you get an e...
Read more:What the Color of Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Gut Health Video of the Day What Causes Pale Stool "Pale stools could occur in the setting of serious medical conditions involving the liver or the pancreas," saysKelly Krikhely, RD, CDN, a New York City-based registe...
blood in the stool Related Articles Diaper Rash: How To Prepare And Protect Your Baby Learn How to Change a Diaper How to Tell if Your Baby Has Pooped Your baby’s poop may not always smell much, especially in the first few weeks, so how can you tell when a diaper change is needed?
Is it painful to poop? Am I having to strain or use manual assistance to help get the poop out? Is there bright red blood coming out with my stool when I poop? Am I noticing any other concerning or new symptoms — for example, fatigue, hair loss, or sensitivity to cold? Have I ...
Plenty of non-food-related factors can leave you constipated. Here, eight common culprits that lead to constipation — plus how to remedy them.
Red Poop Red stools can be equally concerning. Blood in the stool can becaused by GI conditionslike hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colon cancer, or diverticular disease. The bleeding almost always originates from the lower digestive tract. There are also a number ...
What causes period cramps? Period cramps are caused by higher levels of a hormone-like substance called prostaglandins, which make the muscles and blood vessels in the uterus contract (think of it as similar to getting muscle cramps while training hard). The pain is usually the most intense on...