Electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear forces are the forces known to science. The strongest force of nature with the shortest range is the strong nuclear force.Answer and Explanation: Photons are known as the electromagnetic force carriers. The electromagnetic force is ...
The flow of the electron in the circuit is known as the electric current. Voltage is the amount of power in the source and the resistance is the component in the circuit that resists the flow of current.Answer and Explanation: {eq}\displaystyle{ \\ }{/eq} Electromotive force (e.m.f)...
What causes the Contact Force of friction? The Contact Force of friction arises due to the interactions of surface irregularities between two objects in contact. 3 Can Field Forces work in a vacuum? Yes, Field Forces like gravity and electromagnetic forces can work in a vacuum. 2 Can a Conta...
The piezoelectric effect is a property of certain kinds of dielectrics that causes them to deform due to an applied electric field and to accumulate a charge under deformation. Piezoelectric materials are often used in speakers as well as ultrasound transducers....
The mechanism is the transfer of energy from one electron to another as they collide, one with another. Electromagnetic force (EMF), voltage, and difference in potential are different descriptions of the notion of what causes these charges to flow. A physics text would define voltage as the ...
Causes of Magnetism Maskot / Getty Image So, what is this invisible force?Magnetismis caused by the electromagnetic force, which is one of thefour fundamental forcesof nature. Any moving electric charge (electric current) generates a magnetic field perpendicular to it. ...
According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, when the current through an inductor changes, the varying magnetic field creates an electromotive force (e.m.f) or voltage. This induced voltage is proportional to the rate of change of current through the inductor. Inductance (L) is a...
The intrinsic property of matter responsible for all electric phenomena, in particular for the electromagnetic force, occurring in two forms arbitrarily designated negative and positive. Charge A weight or burden; a load A freighter relieved of its charge of cargo. Charging The net measure of this...
The force acting on an electrically charged particle in a magnetic field depends on the magnitude of the charge, the velocity of the particle, and the strength of the magnetic field. The Lorentz force has the peculiar property that it causes particles to move in right angles to their original...
Gravity is the force that causes two particles to pull towards each other. Learn about gravity and find out how Newton and Einstein explain gravity.