We know you know that there are many, many reasons to quit smoking. It causeslung cancer, of course, but it also does a lot of harm to your blood vessels. It’s a key culprit in the buildup of dangerous plaques that occurs due to atherosclerosis. It boosts your bad cholesterol and y...
Here’s everything you need to know about the types of stress, including the causes, symptoms, and what you can do to fight stress in your daily life.
“Someone is trying to jump off a bridge and they give him ketamine in the ambulance to calm him down, and 9 months later, he says, ‘I haven’t felt suicidal for 9 months.’ “When enough stories like that started to pile up, doctors said, ‘Maybe there’s something here,’” say...
What you should look for in a pre-workout Pre-workout risks and potential side effects What is pre-workout? So, what is pre-workout? “Pre-workout” refers to a dietary supplement with ingredients that boost your workout performance. Not only is it a tool for jumpstarting yo...
Blood tests may show signs of infection or a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. X-ray or MRI pictures may show bone position problems, arthritis, or a fracture. You may be given contrast liquid to help your knee show up better in the pictures. Tell the healthcare provider if you have...
It’s also possible to have alow sedrate, meaning your red blood cells sank more slowly than is typical. In that case, inflammation isn’t the reason. Possible causes, per NLM, include: Blood disorders like polycythemia andsickle cell disease ...
Cholesterol is a substance in the blood that causes you to eat salads. — Richard Carleton My cholesterol count has a comma. — John Pinette Fasting lowers your blood pressure and can lower your cholesterol. — Jentezen Franklin You might be a redneck if in an effort to watch your cholestero...
If air escapes through the tooth socket (causes bubbles in your tooth’s socket), the dentist knows an oral-antral communication exists and needs to be addressed. 5) Compressing the socket. When extracting a tooth, a dentist will rock the tooth back and forth so to expand (enlarge) its ...
limitation of the hip’s movement. If walking on land causes you hip pain or discomfort, you’ll find it a welcome relief to have most of your weight lifted off your hip joint while you walk in the water. In chest-deep water, you can walk relatively pain-free and at the same time ...
In comparison, the human body has many trillions of cells. What do tardigrades look like? If you look under a microscope into the tardigrade's tiny body, you won't find any bones. Instead, tardigrades have a fluid-filled compartment called a hemolymph. Similarly to human blood, the ...