Anal Fissure is a benign condition and in majority of the cases heals by following some lifestyle remedies. However, in some cases when these changes are ineffective, then medical intervention in the form of medications and even at times surgery is the route taken by physicians to treat anal ...
Bowel movements are usually light to dark brown in color, and there is moderate variation among individuals with respect to stool color, quantity, and form. Changes instoolcolor are usually harmless and due to changes indiet. The normal color of stool is brown, which is due to a substance ...
then avoiding medications that can cause bleeding, such as aspirin, can be a reasonable preventive measure. Alcohol abstinence can be a preventive measure against yellow stools resulting from undigested fat in the stool due to pancreatic disease. On the other hand, some causes of changes in the ...
Fatty stools are one of the most common problems for people who eat a lot of food. It is a problem that is often associated with obesity and diabetes. However, there are many other causes that can cause this problem. One of them is the diet itself, which can be either too high or ...
Metformin, a drug used to treat diabetes, is one of many medications with diarrhea as a side effect. If you have started having loose stools after starting a new medication, ask your doctor or pharmacist if the medicine could be the source of your problem. Hot...
A stomach ache, or an upset tummy can be due to so many reasons, that it can take a bit of detective work to figure out what might actually be happening.Often, especially with chronic stomach or abdominal pain, there is not just one causative factor; but usually two or three things ...
Chronic Abdominal pain are abdominal pain lasting for more than six weeks, and often does not pose immediate threat to life. In order to understand what is abdominal pain in terms of length of time it is going on, we have listed the following as common causes of chronic abdominal pain:...
When to Be Concerned "Having a discolored bowel movement one time, especially after consuming a food that you know typically changes the color of your stool, may not be concerning," Krikhely says, noting that there aren't a lot of foods than can cause very light stools. ...
For reasons that are not yet clear, people with IBS seem to have a change in the speed and appearance of their bowel movements. Loose stools in IBS can have a number of causes, such as:1 Bowel movements that are too fast Intestines make (secreting) too much liquid ...
Diverticulosis is a condition in which the colon suffers from the presence ofdiverticula, small, bulging sacs of tissue that press outward from the colon wall. Diverticula tend to form as a person ages and pressure built up in the colon causes the bulging of tissue. A person with diverticulosi...