Generally, all the earth tones (yellow through green and brown) are OK, but if you ever need reassurance about the color of your baby’s poop, don’t be shy about reaching out to your baby’s healthcare provider for advice. Warning Colors Certain colors of stool can be a sign of a ...
Causes of Black Stool Have a question aboutStool?Ask a doctor now What Are the Signs of Healthy Poop? A poop is considered to be healthy if it appears to be all connected in one long, smooth, and soft consistency with an “S” shape. Such type of poop forms when your body is fully...
Formula fed baby poop tends to smell stronger.Foul-smelling poop could be a sign that something isn’t quite right, but usually it’s just a sign that baby has started eating solids (lucky you!).Again, if the smell is extremely foul, consider doing a stool test to rule out any other...