Yougetwhatyouexpect,soexpectthebest. Ifyouexpectotherstobefriendly,you willbehaveinsimilarways. 20 Itgoesawayasteenslearnhowto findtheirwaythroughtheirsocialworldandconnectwithothers. A.Butitwillmakeyoubothfeelprettygood. B.Soconsiderbecomingavolunteer. C.Someteensaren?tsoadaptable,however. D.Encouragepeo...
If a really cold front comes through the area, it becomes hard for me to walk normally. My knees get so stiff, and I do have stiffness in some other muscles, as well. I just kind of feel tight and creaky all over. WiseGeek, in your inbox ...
FOP often starts in early childhood. It begins around the shoulders and neck, then works its way down through the rest of the body. As you get older, bone replaces more and more of soft tissue, but how quickly that happens varies from person to person. What Causes FOP? A glitch in o...
Fever is generally defined as greater than 100.4°F (38°C).What are common causes of a fever?The cause of your fever may not be known. This is called fever of unknown origin. It occurs when you have a fever above 100.9˚F (38.3°C) for 3 weeks or more. The following are ...
What causes low back strain?Low back strain is usually caused by activities that increase stress on the lower back, such as exercise or injury. The following may increase your risk for low back strain:You have had low back strain before. You lift heavy objects with your back instead of ...
Degenerative disc disease:The discs between your spine's vertebrae can shrink and tear, especially as you get older. This causes your bones to rub together and can be the instigator of your pain. Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint:A sudden impact can cause injury and inflammation to your sac...
Doctors don’t know exactly what causesankylosing spondylitis(AS). This rare type ofarthritiscauses stiffness andinflammation, mainly along yourspine. Both your genes and things in your environment are thought to play a role. Your Genes Most people who have ankylosing spondylitis have a gene that...
What causes brain lesions? Traumais the most widely recognized cause of acutebrain injury. Bleeding or swelling within the skull can directly damage brain cells, or the pressure that can build within the skull can compress the brain and compromise its ability to function. Trauma can also damage...
As you might suspect, facet joints take a beating, as they are in near-constant motion with your spine, and as such are prone to degeneration and deterioration as you get older. The degeneration may occur more quickly if you’re overweight, havepoor posture, or have injured your spine due...
As your child grows older, tics may go away on their own.What other problems might my child have?Children with TS are more likely to also have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), or bipolar disorder. Ask your child's healthcare provider for ...