When you're dehydrated, your pee gets very concentrated and can be foul-smelling like ammonia. But it could also be a sign of a UTI, kidney stones, liver disease, some STDs, prostate infection, or even menopause. Maple syrup urine odor ...
If your hands smell a little funky, what do you do? You wash your hands, of course. If your body has taken on the aroma of lacrosse practice, you grab yourLoofahand give your body a rub-down. If your beard isn’t smelling too hot either, the natural next step is to give it a ...
Urine is mostly made up of water, with the addition of waste products like urea. If you have foul-smelling or pungent urine that has a strong ammonia scent, then it's likelyyou're dehydrated, leading to more concentrated urine. We Recommend Health Does Eating Onions Cause Body Odor? Health...
Smelly is a common term used to describe any noticeable odor in casual conversation, ranging from the scent of foods to body odor. 3 What are some examples of smelly but popular foods? Foods like durian, blue cheese, and fermented fish are known for their strong odors but are considered de...
You might see increased discharge during your third trimester of pregnancy as well. If you notice a slight odor, which is often the result ofhormonal changes, you can use a gentle soap and water to clean the vulva (never the vagina). If the discharge is foul-smelling or you're otherwise...
Why do I keep smelling milk? It's possible that a sour milk smell isa sign of Lactose Insensitivity. This means your body can't break down milk. This could be caused by acid reflux or heartburn. Why do I keep smelling poop in my nose?
#8. Not Smelling Good No surprise here, gents. Women don't like men who smell bad. Do you have asignature scent? The truth is… we all do. Even if you wear nothing, you are still giving off a bit of odor. People will be able to that pick that up – especially if you don't...
Less commonly, very sour—or foul-smelling baby poop—can be a sign of afood allergyor intolerance. If you think your baby's bowel movements are exceptionally smelly, talk with your pediatrician. How Often Should My Baby Poop? Babies usually make up to 10 dirty diapers per day for the fi...
Acid reflux is a condition where stomach acid works its way back up the esophagus from the stomach. It may give you bad breath that has a sour odor. You may reflux liquid or food into your mouth. The acid can be damaging to the mouth and throat, causing more odor. ...
A small amount of non-smelly discharge is normal. It might be lighter or heavier, depending on where you are in your cycle. But see a doctor if your discharge has a strong odor you haven't noticed before. Bad-smelling discharge is often a sign of an infection. ...