Agribusiness, as a sector, is all the different aspects of raising agricultural products as an integrated system. Trading farm goods is among the oldest human undertakings, but advances in the last century have made it a high-tech industry.Farmers raise animals and harvest fruits and vegetables w...
requires what’s known as ‘transgressive leaders.’ These leaders don’t just think differently, they’re willing to defy longstanding norms, waltz right past social boundaries, and pursue approaches that would seem heretical to the status quo. They...
The same intuition is applied to other materials science use cases with features that are long in one or two dimensions; for example, delamination in carbon fiber composites, pore space in gas-bearing shale, thin films in power structures, layer-wise metrology of semicondu...
it is thought to naturally occur based on how certain variables interact. For example, if the United States drilled for more oil domestically, there would be more supply for gasoline and the price of gas would drop. There is no law that defines that this would happen; it's simply assumed...
Building owners can maximize the efficiency of heating, cooling, and HVAC systems using technology and data for building operations. This is done using sophisticated sensors anddigital twins—a constantly updated digital simulation model of a building, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learni...
They tend to constantly connect their activities toward an organizational greater good.When Jack Welch was creating turmoil inside GE with his “vitality curve” or the “ol’ rank and yank: grading system as it was known, he was constantly reminding staff that it was ultimately for the good ...
this is a place for people expecting your 2nd child to share ideas concerns or to just chat :)
and would constantly charge your smartphone from afar, making sure it never runs out of juice. These charging transmitters would be so powerful that they’d keep your smartphone’s battery at 100 % all the time. You’d never have to worry about battery life again and would get rid of all...
Or worse, in my opinion, the opportunity cost of putting good people to work on things that never end up delighting the world. I weep for what might have been.The four most important causes of failureThings which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.—...
But hey, I would become a full-time passenger princess if someone could drive me around forever. Any takers? While many people are all for the passenger princess role, others aren’t so keen. Many have said they ‘could never let a man drive them around’. Fair enough. Others couldn’...