Diphtheria is a disease caused by a bacterial infection. The infection spreads quickly from person to person through sneezing or coughing. It can also be passed if a person uses a drinking glass or other item used by an infected person. The bacteria that cause diphtheria get into your child'...
Mosttypes of eczemaare not allergies. But the disease can flare up when you’re around things that cause an allergic reaction. You might gethives, itching, swelling,sneezing, and arunny nose. Allergens can include: Dust mites Pollen
What causes a cold?A cold is caused by a virus. Many viruses can cause a cold, and each is contagious. A virus may be spread to others through coughing, sneezing, or close contact. A virus can also stay on objects and surfaces. You can become infected if you touch the object or ...
Bacteria are carried by various ‘media’, which can include raw food, moist surfaces where bacteria have been left, our hands or skin and from coughing or sneezing(打喷嚏). Hands, foods and utensils(器皿)can carry individual bacteria living in communities contained within a protective film. ...
May block large particles ejected from sneezing, coughing, speaking, spitting and singing. Might help protect others from your sneezes and coughs if you acquired the virus but are otherwise asymptomatic and out in public. Could encourage more mindful behavior, including avoiding touching one'...
Whether a child or an adult is infected, whooping cough often seems like a regular cold at first, marked by a runny nose, sneezing, or a low-grade fever. [ While experiencing a mild cough is also an early symptom, for babies, the cough is often minimal or even absent. (Babies may ...
Let's roll some dice, watch some movies, or generally just geek out. New posts at 6:30 pm ET but only if I have something to say. Menu at the top. gsllc@chirp.enworld.org on Mastodon and @gsllc on Twitter.
To prevent the spread of germs, wash your hands before and after: Preparing food Eating food Caring for someone who is sick, especially with vomiting or diarrhea Treating a cut or wound Also wash your hands after: Blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If possible, cough or sneeze into...
Measles can spread through coughing, sneezing and by touching infected surfaces. For those who are vaccinated, infection is rare. For those who previously had measles, you can't get the infection again. For Ramos and Ronald Ford, chief medical officer at Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital in Ho...
We all know that hiccups are caused because of a sudden change in the diaphragm, and that excessive sneezing and coughing may cause it. Seasonal allergies can tend to cause them because of the overdone work when you are having trouble breathing and your diaphragm is strained. By anon3008 ...